646f9e108c Lloyd Irving and his childhood friend Colette are destined to go on a journey to save the world of Sylvarant, but doing so may endanger Tethe'alla, a world parallel to theirs. At first…I had no intention of playing this game once I saw the graphics were anime..not realistic..like FFX. I then noticed my brother playing it and I thought it looked pretty good…sooner or later…I was addicted.<br/><br/>The game has everything that is needed in a RPG…a good storyline, a battle system that is so much fun and so much more! You get attached to the characters and learn to love them. Not to mention this game is hilarious…the skits and the conversations between them are just too funny.<br/><br/>The game is about 80 hours long..if you do everything..including side quests and it is worth the money! I enjoyed playing this game and I would love to play it for another 10 times! <br/><br/>So what are you waiting for? GO OUT AND BUY THIS GAME!!!<br/><br/>It wont disappoint you like other RPGs..(FFX-2..)<br/><br/>10/10 OK, at first I thought this game would be OK, but it wasn't. IT WAS AMAZING!!! The story is just so inspiring, the battle system is just so perfect, the voice actors are talented, the game is lengthy(about 80 hrs),etc. <br/><br/>It's just a really good game that you should buy if you own a gamecube, and if you don't, buy one!<br/><br/>specs: 80 hrs of gameplay<br/><br/>has 2 discs<br/><br/>beautiful anime-like graphics<br/><br/>over 10,000 lines of character dialogue(actual voiceovers)<br/><br/>amazing real-time battle system.<br/><br/>opening anime cut-scene by well known artist Kosuke Fujishima<br/><br/>uses 3 blocks<br/><br/>1-4 players simultaneously<br/><br/>ONE OF THE BEST RPG's IN A WHILE!!!!!!!!!!!!! 9.0/10
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snoweenkorlo Admin replied
337 weeks ago