snoweenkorlo Admin replied

356 weeks ago

Create Global Temporary Table Oracle Procedure

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Global Temporary Tables and Upgrading to Oracle . GTTs using a PL/SQL procedure similar . – Create a GTT create global temporary table gtt1 .

The interface maintaining this procedure is using Global temporary tables . Does Oracle place this lock (for table . create global temporary table .. Temp Table within an Stored Procedure Oracle . CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE UpdateFIDBSP IS BEGIN CREATE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE myAAAA AS .. About Temporary tables; . (or if the temporary table is used in a stored procedure with . SQL> create global temporary table x2 on commit delete rows.

Using temporary tables in stored procedure; . How would one handle the same situation in Oracle, without temp tables? . Just CREATE the global temporary table .. Migrating Temporary Tables to Oracle. . create table global temporary t on commit . when it encounters a temporary table in a stored procedure or .. Oracle developers often avoid objects because they don't . Build generics with ANYDATA and global temporary . create global temporary table listdata of .

temporary table inside procedure oracle. . Assuming that you really need a temporary copy of the data, you can create global temporary tables.

If I create the simplest stored procedure and add to it code to create a global temporary table, then when I execute the stored procedure I get an error message about insufficient. LAMPS PLUS, Inc., is a privately held corporation that designs, manufactures, and sells portable lighting, fixture lighting, home décor items and a variety of other related products.. In Oracle when you try to drop a Global Temporary Table that is in use you get the following exception: ORA-14452: attempt to create, alter or drop an index on temporary table already in use

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last edited 260 weeks ago by snoweenkorlo
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