a5c7b9f00b It&#39;s the Fuedal Era in Japan. And all the characters you know and love are living in their own different life styles of this time period. Nami(Onami) &amp; Sanji run their own restaurant called &quot;The Pinwheel&quot;. Zoro is a Buddhist monk, while Chopper is the town doctor of course. Luffy &amp; Usopp are crime fighters, who have to go defeat the trouble making Clown Family lead by Buggy &amp; his &quot;Kabukimono&quot; gang. As wellhelping out a mysterious girl named Vivi. Will Luffy be able restore the peace with his Jutte/Gomu Gomu abilities? This is the 4th TV Special of One Piece.<br/><br/>It has no connection with the TV series itself what so ever.<br/><br/>Takes place in an alternate universe set in a similar Edo Period. All the main, secondary, minor, and filler characters are all slightly different from their appearances in the other universe.<br/><br/>Luffy isn&#39;t a wanted pirate in this one. He&#39;s a local crime fighter while Usopp is his right man. Nami(Onami) and Sanji are a couple running their own restaurant. Zoro is a monk while Chopper is the town doctor. And many other familiar characters making a cameo appearances.<br/><br/>Throughout the TV special shows the daily lives and adventures the characters go through. As wellplenty of Japanese historical feel to the story.<br/><br/>It&#39;s all made for the fun of it. Made and done by the same Toei team that&#39;s responsible for all our One Piece needs. This is highly recommended for the fans of the show or Edo period learning.
snoweenkorlo Admin replied
338 weeks ago